
1.参加登録 / 1. Registration
Please register to participate. Inform one of the Yamadai Mizubabu Lab members, and they will add you to a dedicated LINE group.

2.登録後のアイテム受け取り / 2. Items Provided After Registration
After registration, you will receive a sealed container for food waste (holds approximately 1 kg) and a bag that can carry two of these containers.

3.対象となる生ゴミ / 3. Applicable Food Waste
The target food waste is primarily household waste, but waste generated in labs or other facilities is also acceptable. If you bring non-household food waste, please inform a Yamadai Mizubabu Lab member. Please include almost anything as food waste. However, try to exclude plastics, metals, and similar materials as much as possible. 

4.生ゴミの持ち込みと計測 / 4. Bringing and Measuring Food Waste
Place the food waste you brought into the refrigerator's freezer compartment in the hallway of Yamadai Mizubabu Lab. Before doing so, weigh the container on the scale placed on top of the fridge. Please take a photo showing the container ID and the scale's reading and report it to the LINE group mentioned earlier. Yamadai Mizubabu Lab members will be responsible for recording the data.

5.容器の返却と再利用 / 5. Container Return and Reuse
The container used for food waste will be lightly washed (hot water only) by a Yamadai Mizubabu member. It will be placed on top of the refrigerator, so please take it back with you the next time you come and reuse it for storing food waste.

6.初回持ち込み特典 / 6. First-Time Drop-off Bonus
When you bring food waste for the first time, you will receive a bottle of hand soap. Please ask a Yamadai Mizubabu member for it.